In 2014, I was embroiled in an extremely difficult custody battle over my now three-and-a-half-year-old son. It was an exhausting two-year event of fact-finding trials, direction hearings, and mounting financial debt due to legal fees.

I did not have a proper full night’s rest over those two years. The worry and stress were so overwhelming that I thought I was losing my mind. Nevertheless, I found healing from Scripture and listened to the local Christian radio. Your messages ministered to me, gave me hope, and helped me go on.

A few days before my final court trial, I watched your sermon about proclaiming “grace, grace” (Zech. 4:7) to my mountain of challenges and it would fall like the walls of Jericho (Josh. 6). During the trial, I looked out the window and saw a building named “St David’s Court.” This anchored my emotions and I knew in my spirit that everything was going to be well. While driving home that day, I saw an unusual blue van with red lettering that said “Jericho.”

The next day, the judge gave an uncommon ruling and my son and I were safe! Praise the Lord! We are now looking forward to a promising future of happiness, health, and provision in a Christ-centered home environment. Even though I still face everyday challenges, I will continue to praise God for this victory.

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for your preaching. I look forward to listening to your messages every day. It was through your television broadcast that I began to understand the Bible and the grace of God. They are a large part of my life.

I’d also like to encourage anyone who is going through a difficult season to keep on believing in our faithful God. He has a good plan for you and will work all things together for good (Rom. 8:28). All glory to God!


Anonymous  |  United Kingdom

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