My family and I have been following Pastor Joseph Prince’s ministry since 2012. I have countless personal testimonies and revelations of how the gospel of grace has brought me from darkness into the light.

One day, the car we were driving in was hit by an oncoming pickup truck. It hit the passenger side, causing the side airbags to deploy. The truck was travelling at a speed of 60 to 70 kmh and threw our car sideways, causing it to hit another car.

As soon as our car stopped, I immediately checked on my wife and 2 kids, both of whom were in their child seats crying. Seeing that my son bore the impact of the side airbag, I removed him from the child seat to check on him further before coming back to get my daughter. My wife, who was also impacted, had some lacerations on her neck and bumps on her head but was still conscious and able to move.

We were then taken in an ambulance to the emergency department of a nearby hospital. Everyone we spoke to told us that with the kind of impact, things could have been worse. But by the grace of our Lord Christ Jesus and the protection of our Abba Father, my son and wife only had minor bumps and bruises. We were sent home after a few hours.

We couldn’t believe what we experienced and how we all came back as a family. It can only be the love of the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ that protected us. The accident happened a week before our trip home to the Philippines. A month later, the Lord blessed us with a new car that was bigger and better.

I thank you, Pastor Prince, and your team for your ministry and for always pointing us to Jesus and His finished work at the cross. I need Jesus every day in my life, and I’m listening to all your messages. I’ve started claiming that this kairos year of right time and right place will also be a year of unceasing fruitfulness for my family and me.

All glory to Jesus and our Abba Father. God bless you all. Can’t wait to visit New Creation Church and Singapore again.


Floyd Reyes  |  Australia

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